Get Involved with Arts Rolla! Become a Volunteer!
Your financial support and your volunteer support are critical to the success of Arts Rolla. We would be delighted if you could share your time and talent with Arts Rolla.
Your help will be appreciated.
The volunteer areas are:
Calling Tree - Volunteers interested in this opportunity would work closely with event coordinators and Office Manager. This person would contact volunteers to let them know that their help is needed. This person would be provided with a list of volunteers and contact information.
Children’s Events – Work with event coordinator to ensure the success of our annual Children’s Art Exhibit. Greet young artists and help with the installation of their artwork. Help at reception for our artists and their friends. Other children’s events include booth for children’s art at Summerfest and Breakfast with the Bunny.
Clerical – We have a need for clerical support. Volunteers are needed to fold, sort and mail our newsletters, invitations to events and call for art letters. There is a need for poster design and creating various letters and forms to help us effectively share the many things that Arts Rolla does with our artists, our members and the region.
Fundraising and Membership Drive – Funding is critical to the success of Arts Rolla. One of our major methods of fundraising is finding new members. Volunteers in this area would look at and develop ways to create awareness for the many events that Arts Rolla leads. This group would look at ways to help us market Arts Rolla more effectively so that we can attract funding. These volunteers would work closely with the board to grow Arts Rolla.
Hospitality – Contacting volunteers to make refreshments for monthly receptions. Assisting with the set up and clean up of refreshment table at our events. Welcoming guests to our events and receptions. Distributing event programs and name tags. Encouraging guests to sign our guestbook.
Publicity – Helping with poster distribution. Working on press releases. Helping create awareness for upcoming events. Contact: Loretta Wallis 573.578.3229
Showcase production – Write articles, Editing, Graphic Design, Compilation of Area Art venues, Event reporting, Layout, Preparation for mailing.
Contact: Loretta Wallis 573.578.3229
Visual Art Shows – Waiting for artists to drop off or pick up artwork at the exhibit location. Helping with installation or removal of artwork at exhibit location.
Writing or Poetry – Working with event coordinator to ensure that all details of this event are in place. Contact: Jerry Cohen–Poetry - 573.341.4629, Home# 573-364-7707 or Martha Edwards - [email protected] 573.261.1960